4. 7. 2012
Být rozlobený ohledně něčeho
angry about / at / over:
He is very angry about the way he's been treated.
Patients are angry at the increase in charges for medicines.
Být rozlobený / naštvaný na někoho
angry with:
Are you angry with me?
Cítit se naštvaný / rozlobený
feel angry:
I was left feeling angry and bitter.
Vypadat / cítit se rozlobený / naštvaný
look / sound angry:
Some of the parents looked extremely angry.
Rozzlobit se / naštvat se
get / become angry:
There's no point in getting angry.
Rozzlobit / naštvat někoho
make someone angry:
His attitude makes me really angry.
Being ANGRY is like being hot or on fire.
- She burned with indignation.
- He has a fiery temper.
- Jack was a hot-tempered young man.
- Their parents were having a heated argument/debate about where to go.
- They were having a blazing/flaming row.
- She often flares up over nothing.
- It made my blood boil.
- I lost my cool.
- Alison was getting very hot under the collar.
Losing your temper is like an explosion.
When she told him, he nearly exploded.
He blew up at her.
Steve couldn't contain his anger any longer.
It was an explosive situation.
I'm sorry I blew my top.
There was another angry outburst from Chris.
Alex was bursting with anger.
She'll blow a fuse/a gasket if she finds out.
Bob went ballistic when he saw what they had done.
A major row erupted at the meeting.