Radio Prague
ET's Rating - 80%
Radio Prague is a Czech radio that broadcasts in Czech as well as in English language (plus some others). In the English section you can find several articles dealing either with current political issues in the Czech Republic or other cultural, historical, industrial events happening in our country. Yes, this radio focuses primarily on the Czech Republic.
Do you find native reporters (British, American) difficult to understand? Go to see Radio Prague - English section, where mostly Czech reporters (with the good pronunciation, though) present the news. You can read the articles and listen to them at the same time.
Do you feel uninterested by what's-going-ons in the USA, the Great Britain or elsewhere in the world? Do you prefer following local news? Radio Prague - English section is the right place where to go. You can listen to short news, reports, interviews and much more.
Here is the link:
Radio Prague has been running its English section since the beginnig of 2002 and all the recording you can find in its archive /a:kaiv/
In the top right corner of the website you can listen to the current news, which take about 25 minutes. It covers pretty much of the most importent events in the Czech Republic.
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